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A Woman with a Mission 

Do you feel stuck or overwhelmed, like you're not living up to your fullest potential?


When is the last time you checked in with your life trajectory and changed course to have your life align better with your goals?​  Has it been since you got your last diploma?  Or in the last five years?


I hear you.  You don't have time for coaching, right? 


I'm here to tell you that you don't have time to not get coached.


As Mary Oliver puts it:


Tell me, what else should I have done?

Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?

Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?


My mission as a coach is to heal the healers.  I aim to use the expertise I've gained in coaching--and living as a surgeon, cancer patient, endurance athlete, and fallible human--to help reconnect other physicians with their wild and precious selves, with their power, so they can be the best versions of themselves, both in and out of the healthcare encounter.


I am motivated to do this because (1) I know coaching has been essential in re-discovering my authentic self since cancer, and (2) I can see the growing moral crisis in the healthcare space.  While I plan to continue practicing clinical medicine, I sense an urgency for me to offer my skills in coaching to my fellow physicians to curb both the departure of clinicians from bedside medicine, as well as to curb the alarming rate of physician suicide.


Coaching you is good for me too.  I can't wait to know you.


Not a physician?  Reach out to me.  I am experienced with non-physician clients in the basic sciences and technology.


Whether you are an individual or an institution, if you need help finding your way through tricky terrain, I hope you reach out to me.




Sunset at Joshua Tree National Park
The Blue Glacier, Olympic National Park

Contact me about:

What resources would you like to see here?

What problem can I help you navigate?

What are the top two barriers preventing you from engaging with a coach?


Thanks for submitting!

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
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